E3 2011 draws closer by the day, so I’ve put together a quick list on what I want to see from Microsoft, Sony and Nintendo this year. Of course, not all of this is going to happen. Wishful thinking is a better way to look at this.
- More core friendly Kinect titles
- A complete redesign of the Kinect Hub, along with the ability to navigate the entire dashboard with your voice.
- Dance Central 2. Or else.
- More features on Xbox Live, however, THIS DOES NOT MEAN IT NEEDS TO COST MORE.
- Making Xbox Live free. Doing so would instantly catapult the 360 in the no. 1 place for online standards when it comes to consoles.
- Ok, maybe having Live completely free would be a bit over the top..How about only charging us for what we use, like ESPN etc. But keep multiplayer free. Sony fanboys officially have a reason to laugh in our faces because of this.
- A reason to actually have a Move. It’s a bit of a joke at the moment.
- More of an incentive to invest in 3D technology, and why it’s not just a fad that’ll be gone in a few years, leaving you stuck with a mega bucks TV and not much to do with it.
- The complete destruction of EVERY copy of Kung-Fu Riders. They should probably dump them in the desert somewhere, like with E.T.
- An increase in benefits of being a Playstation+ member.
- A new console. Now. The Wii is just…laughably bad.
- Don’t bleeping put skyward sword on the Wii.
- An online system that completely abolishes friend codes. This wont happen anytime soon considering the 3DS uses them, but whatever.
- Mario Galaxy on 3DS.
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